A Family of Believers
Kneel at the Cross
What we're about:
We are a fellowship of believers, who share a love for the Lord and a desire to obey God, according to His Word, The Bible. We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, that He was sent by God, lived, died on the cross, and rose from the dead. Christ is the head of His church, which was established in the first century, on Pentecost, fifty days after Jesus' resurrection. (Acts 2:1-47)
Teaching Salvation
We teach that God's gift of salvation from the punishment for our sins comes only through Jesus Christ. We accept this gift by believing, repenting of our sins confessing Jesus as Lord, and being baptized for the forgiveness of our sins. Baptism is the beginning of our new life in Christ, Because we are called to live righteously and follow God faithfully. Our whole life becomes a service to Him.
Worshiping God
We Worship God together on a weekly basis. These assemblies are simple and open to everyone. Our purpose is to worship God in spirit and in truth, by praising and honoring Him in songs, scripture readings, prayers, communion and preaching. After worship services, we have Bible studies for children and adults.
Studying the Bible
We study the Bible regularly and also encourage daily Bible reading, because we believe that the Bible is God's guide for our lives. Classes are conducted for all ages, nursery through adult, including, on occasion, special classes for women, men, and young adults. Small group studies to meet the special needs and correspondence courses are also available. We also seek to serve the needs of our teens and pre-teens with special programs that give them guidance and training while having fun. This is accomplished through meetings, youth rallies and service projects.
Loving Each Other
We take seriously Christ's command to "love one another" (John 17:21) and have tried to make this a hallmark of our congregation. We treat each other as family members, sharing joys, and sorrows, and helping out when needed. We enjoy each other's company and plan occasions to be together for meals, celebrations, recreation and fellowship.
Helping Others
We serve the community by helping people who are in need. If you have a specific need for food or other necessities, please contact us. We also take seriously Jesus' teaching that we are to be the "light of the world" (Matthew 5:14) and encourage everyone to live the life of service based on the example of Jesus (John 13:14).
We invite you to visit us, and join us in serving our Lord!